Some Gifts for MOM

Heidi and MaryLynn got mom High School Musical 3!
She said it was her favorite HSM movie.
Look how excited she was :)

Wyatt mad mom this card at school. Beautiful!

These are the wooden roses Wyatt picked out for mom.
There were lots to choose from. Of course, Wyatt picked the ones that had blue.
Wyatt sitting in the flower planters Jake & Ashlee gave mom.
The Card
So one day when we (Heidi and MaryLynn) were at the store looking at cards we found this one! When you open it to full spread it repeats again and again, "Mom, mother, mom, mom, ma ma...." in different voices, volumes and tones. It reminded us so much of Wyatt because he is always calling "Mom, mama, mother."
It made mom smile and laugh. She said when all the kids move away and she gets lonely she'll open it up and listen to it. I think she liked it a bit better than the card we got her for her birthday last year :)

The Cake
Happy Mother's Day to Anena too! We love YOU!