Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thanksgiving time!

Thanksgiving time! Well we had a blast as you shall see.

It's a holiday, therefore we better celebrate the occasion by:

Decorating a cake... or two.

Our little turkey cupcakes we shared with our friends.

Our giant turkey! shooting the turkey?

Our next celebration part included
Dressing up in costumes...
made by the wondrous Wyatt!

So, at school Wyatt made pilgrim and indian costumes.
Wyatt decided we should all dress up! So one evening Wyatt began making everyone in the family a costume. He went and asked everyone, "Do you want to be a pilgrim or an indian?" When Heidi replied turkey, he was a little surprised, but he followed her request! He worked very hard on them. We were impressed!

Mom, as the turkey.
(She took Heidi's costum)
Look at Wyatt in the background...he looks a bit concerned.

Wyatt the indian, gale the pilgrim man, and well Chett just had to be a cowboy.
Love his face in this one!

The fam!
I think our Thanksgiving guests were a little curious about our attire:)
Next we had a
Thankful Tree
I (MaryLynn) made one of these for my appartment at college.
So I decided to have one at home too. People take a leaf, write something they are thankful for and then add it to the tree. It was fun to fill it up.
A picture after church one day.

Eric, Cheryl, and the boys.

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