Friday, August 29, 2008

Attach of the Drones

Every year around the same time, our house is swarmed by flying drone ants.
They come down the chimney, just like old Santa Clause. So, in order to stop the unwanted intruders, we have to cover up the chimney, which takes great courage. Heidi was the nominee for the job this year, lucky her! Seeing as all the boys were off somewhere (as they always seem to be in times of tragedy:), mom decided Heidi was the person for it. Then they had to figure out a way to get up on the roof, hum? Mom suggested she climb up the scaffolding and walk across the roof! Well, Heidi wasn't so thrilled or agreeable with that idea. Mom asked if her shoes were too slippery. Heidi said that she didn't want to find out! She decided just to use a ladder. The ants were swarming all over her. It was a scary thing indeed, especially trying to get down!
Eww, look at them all.

Mom vacuuming them all up! They were everywheres.

Heidi being attached by the ants! And fearing getting down.

This is my personal favorite photo of the adventure. Love her facial expression:)

Can she make it?

Yes she can!


She was happy to be on the ground again! Perhaps Wyatt will be the chimney plugger upper next year, or maybe Bryant, hum?...

Anyways, we survived another exciting adventure at the Gardner's!

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