They had many events, barrel racing, bull riding, calf roping, and some they made up themselves.
My favorite was when they would have their horses attach each other. Looks like they are getting ready for that event right here!
Eventually Wyatt found his boots and was styling in his shorts with boots fashion.
Sheep Joys!
Of course the summer just wouldn't be the same with out working with the sheep and getting them ready for the lamb show. Wahoo!
Here they are taking them for a walk/run/drag. Bryant made Wyatt take the big one, which weighs at least twice as much as him, and Bryant took the little one. Bryant claims that, "the big one is calmer." Well from the looks of the picture Bryant's lamb seems to have escaped him, causing um...a little stress on his part. :)
Well, looks like Wyatt can handle them both! He's pretty tough, like his big brother Levi! Notice, he is once again in his favorite style (boots w/ shorts).
Fun with the nephews
Gale, Chett, and Jaxon!
Sweet Jaxon!
Playing cowboys.
Making apple pie of course!
Gale with some Root beer... well actually it's just water. (For you Anena)
Swinging in Grandma's yard.
Buggy Rides


Fun at the Park
Wiggle Racers
Have you ever ridden a wiggle racer? Well, they are awesome. We have all, young and old, big and small, had a lot of fun on them.

Too bad we didn't get any pics of us doing Yoga!

Bryant and his blue violin. Yes, that made the summer um entertaining. :)
Pudding fight, during a cream poof making session.
Well I hope you enjoyed seeing some more of our Summer fun. It has been quite the summer, as you can tell, we keep ourselves entertained somehow. There may not be a lot to do in Enterprise, or on tumbleweed lane. So we make our own fun, and as you can tell, we do have fun, at times maybe more than we should! :)
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